It’s Children’s day, think about your kids minds.

Two interactions with little ones.

First little one was with her dad who was looking for a book on postcards (how to make ’em)
Hook the man up and ask the girl –
Do you want to want to be smart?

Happy Children’s Day

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Greetings earthlings – a message from a neurotic librarian.

How is it that most thinking individuals knowing about a phenomenon which is already effecting all of us as one consistently in the recent past, don’t really give a shit? This is a post which will hopefully open some eyes and bring about some change in mindset…


Greetings_earthlings_a message_from_a_neurotic_librarian_on_climate_change

Greetings earthlings.

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Dear Old man writer and editor.

Being booksellers can be fun, How? By virtue of working in a bookstore we are privileged to invisible filters – people who read are usually more fun to interact and play with. Yesterday morning an elderly gentleman walked in and gave us our boney by buying a copy of the Ultimate Xmen graphic novel and pointed out to a copy of the awesome Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson and smiled and said its been a long time since he had seen this book in a store, well that certainly got us excited.

Snow Crash

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Revenge fucking: or how to get your spouse to give up his SF hoard.

Some time back three couples descended into our republic and started browsing, when one of ladies was at the desk billing, I mention that we buy pre-loved Non-fiction, Science Fiction and literature the lady immediately says please help me get my husband to reduce some of his SF collection – it is overwhelming our mix at home, the husband states he will part with his books after his death. Here is a little strange experience that might help you on your quest madam…


sex in the 21st century

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