

(Exclamation informal) expressing mild dismay or regret (used when someone has had an accident or made a mistake (also as a sexual innuendo, dig?)).

Whoops, MsMoss, it is not like this all the time, really.

Whoops #MsMoss no flash.

(A little backstory required.)

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Jesus sent me two of his nubile minions last week.

On what seemed to be like any other ordinary day at the store, two cute girls walked into the store. Could have been customers, we were nice and then somehow the conversation was rotating around religion, I suggested they go to Pota in Kerala which seems to have a mass brainwashing center, they were almost rubbing their hands in glee. (In most cases we firmly believe talk about religion, politics and sports should be best avoided – totally pointless conversations). Then one of the girls dropped a bomb.

Can we pray for you???

the adoration of the Magi

the adoration of the Magi

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Fuck Happiness.

There are more than enough books out there that scream at you, how to be happier, how to be optimistic, how to pack your bags and leave, how to give your boss a punch in his nut sack and quit. So what about all those happy people who do not want to read something happy? What about all those sad people who want to read something they can relate to?

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