Two couples or somtimes shit gets really fucking weird.

On this day of Eid we have had a couple of interactions with customers at the store which for the lack of a better word have to be classified as plain weird…

You might want to read to this music for mood (It was playing in the background when this played out)

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Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris illustrated by Ian Falconer

This absurd collection of unique tales with anthropomorphic animal characters is perhaps a great gift idea for the current limited attention span generation, they are very short, have beautiful illustrations by Ian Falconer and reflect the shining mind of David Sedaris. Move over La Fontaine and Aesop, shit has gone contemporary.


Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk David Sedaris

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A slow or stupid person

Regardless of your accepting the fact or not, you had a know-it-all period prior to your reading addiction. You were under the impression that you had an open mind, dintcha? You were the shit, you thought a lot, you knew so much more than the average idiot, you had an immense world view, you knew how shit happens, you knew a lot about life.

And then you took up reading.

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