Eeeee Eee Eeee by Tao Lin

Excerpt – Eeeee Eee Eeee by Tao Lin

“Sometimes when dolphins went to playgrounds alone they did the monkeybars and went to the swings and on the swings thought, “I hate this stupid world.”

They thought, “I hate it.”

They cried a little with the wind against their face.
They felt so bad that they went away.

And found Elijah Wood and told Elijah Wood to go with them and Elijah Wood went–because he thought it was a movie. Elijah Wood and other celebrities like Salman Rushdie rode dolphins in rivers. Salman Rushdie felt proud and famous. And the dolphins swam to islands and beat Elijah Wood and the other famous people with heavy branches. They cried when they murdered human beings, and it was terrible.

One dolphin had a battle axe and killed Wong Kar-Wai.”

The book covers the life of Andrew, a recent college graduate working at Domino’s Pizza while over-analyzing every aspect of his life: past, present and lack of a future.

When at one point, Andrew states that he wants to “wreak complex and profound havoc” upon capitalist establishments such as Coke, it feels like Lin is attempting a similar attack on organized art.

The book confronts the and sarcastically laughs in its face. The book has a lot of dolphins and bears trying to cope with life’s disappointments such as Jhumpa Lahiri, Elijah Wood and Salman Rushidie.

Lin’s sympathetic fascination with the meaning of life is full of profound and often hilarious insights.

Eeeee Eee Eeee by Tao Lin

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

A novel about a young white woman in the 1960s in Mississippi who becomes interested in the predicament of the black maidservants that every family had.

She writes about the abuse, ridicule and mistreatment in these white families homes just before the Civil Rights.

This is a beautiful unforgettable book, about love and suffering, hatred and faith, fear and courage. It is about women of strength and dignity who carry on and manage to care about others despite an unjust system.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The God Delusion – Richard Dawkins

A bestselling from the chair for public understanding od science at the University of Oxford.

The primary focus of the book is that a supernatural creator does not exist and a persistent belief in the same is a delusion. Dawkins makes a strong case that Athiests can be happy, balanced, moral, and intellectually fulfilled individuals with healthy individual minds, natural selection and evolution are superior to the “God hypothesis”. Children should not be labeled as per their parents beliefs.

Dawkins puts theological doctrines to the same kind of scrutiny that any scientific theory must withstand.

The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins