


A slow or stupid person

Regardless of your accepting the fact or not, you had a know-it-all period prior to your reading addiction. You were under the impression that you had an open mind, dintcha? You were the shit, you thought a lot, you knew so much more than the average idiot, you had an immense world view, you knew how shit happens, you knew a lot about life.

And then you took up reading.

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The Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell

This great sweep of Durrell’s quartet is almost impossible to describe, but being Goobes, we are going to give it a shot!

Tis characters and the feeling of bing at wartime Alexandria are so perfect that you can almost smell and taste the perfume on Justine’s neck, hear the prayers from the mosques and smell the sand stained blood of camels butchered in the streets.

Here lie the poets and prostitutes, diplomats and gun runners. There is a plethora of scenes of lust and love and violence angst and despair.

The characters change as the story unfolds and then recoils upon itself again. We are as confused as the characters themselves and never find ourselves in a position where we understand events before they do. Myriad scenes tumble upon each other; a bird shoot on Lake Mareotis, the masquede ball, the strange death of Pursewarden, the dreadful death of Narouz. Across four volumes Durrell seldom puts a foot wrong and while his sonorous prose is not to everyone’s taste, nobody can deny that this is certainly an under rated classic of the twentieth century.

After the grim years of the Second World War and the grey, slow grind of the 1950s, the novel must have burst upon literary Europe like a banshee streaking across the sky giving enlightenment at a time of darkness.

Essential book for anyone who considers themselves well-read.


The Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell

The Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell

I Am David by Anne Holm

If you want a book to teach a kid about self respect, love, forgiveness and faith this is the book you have been looking for. If not it is still one hell of a story.

David is brought up in a prison concentration camp surrounded only by adults who were deceptive or broken down with the exception of a few genuine inmates who seemed to be hiding a secret from him. David is a kind person by nature who feels a strong need to help people without asking for any returns, without consciously know all the time he is performing acts of kindness.

After escaping from the concentration camp, David proceeds with his arduous journey towards the Nazi free country of Denmark always insisting on remaining true to himself, and keeping a clear conscience – thereby remaining who he is.

The beauty of this story lies in the way that it does not directly tell of the courage of David, but simply portrays him as just another human being who is confused about the happenings around him but who is nevertheless determined to attain complete freedom away from the evils of that lie within the concentration camp. In the process of describing the various events that David encounters, the author uses the contrast of the other characters’ thoughts and feelings to fully reflect the implicit courage and beauty of David’s noble character. This greatly increases the realism and credibility of David’s character, and would in short, be one of the most remarkable strokes of bringing a character to life.

Read the transformation of a victim into a human, possible tear jerker.

It is probably the best children’s novel, ever.

 I Am David by Anne Holm

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

Dear John is trademark Nicholas Sparks-romantic, sappy, sad and redeeming. If you enjoyed any of Sparks’ earlier novels, you will most probably enjoy Dear John, a love story about an army sergeant who falls in love shortly before 9/11. Sparks’ writing is smooth and easy, but the characters and plot are could have been a little more memorable.

Recommended for those who like sappy tragic romantic comedies, but not for those who like a little meat in their reading (in the ilk of Mills & Boons)

This book is a return to Sparks’ old writing style. Quite Similar to The Notebook, and A Walk to Remember, this book is a must read for any Sparks’ fan, as well as anyone wanting an old fashioned love story…full of love, heartache, romance, fulfillment, tragedy, and sacrifice.

 Dear John by Nicholas Sparks