It’s Children’s day, think about your kids minds.

Two interactions with little ones.

First little one was with her dad who was looking for a book on postcards (how to make ’em)
Hook the man up and ask the girl –
Do you want to want to be smart?

Happy Children’s Day

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Sometimes house calls are real fun.

Got a call in the afternoon regarding a bulk(ish) sale of books,  saw some photos of the haul and decided on making it immediately as the customer wanted to clear the books ASAP. The location was Kengiri which is way out of town. Got there, really earthy looking house at the dead end of a road, next to a chickoo orchard.

goobes book republic house calls B&W

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Planting an idea virus?

Middle age blond immigrant who works in Delhi for a famous NGO walks into the store and selects a couple of books.

During the course of her visit to the store she says what she does for a living and talks about the tragedy that happened in Nepal (that is still happening). I ask her if she has heard of 3D printing, she says she vaguely has an idea about it. I suggest that their organization gets in touch with Contour Crafting and rebuild the nation-stat.

Contour Crafting is an organization that can 3D print houses in 2 days flat, not sure if the potential sunk in, (sometimes when the opportunity arises, an ideal thing to do is plant an idea virus, the higher the level of the host in society the better.) She then mentions that she is going to the Maldives for a short seminar, wow the islands are great, the water is clear, the diving is awesome and the people are really friendly.

She then drops a bomb…


Planting an idea virus.

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